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Eurometal news release january 2016

In first 11 months of 2015, deliveries of strip mill products to steel end use segments by European flat steel service centers did increase by +6 % when compared to the same period of 2014.

Comparing November 2015 with November 2014, shipments of strip mill products have been growing by +12 %, year-on-year.

On the other hand, shipments by European multi-product & proximity steel stockholding distribution also noted a rather good run in November 2015.

November 2015 shipments increased by +3 % when compared to November 2014.

Despite good sales growth in November 2015, the sales score of the distribution segment Multi-product & Proximity business remains negative when considering first 11 months of 2015.

In the first 11 months of 2015 shipments by this distribution segment were lower by -2 % than during first 11 months of 2014.

Commenting business developments in EU steel distribution, Georges Kirps, Director General EUROMETAL, underlined that stock levels in EU steel distribution are well aligned with business situation and that stock levels have even tended lower in the last months of 2015.



Eurometal membership extends to the baltics

EUROMETAL announces that one of the main Estonian steel distribution groups has joined the ranks of EUROMETAL.

The new members are RGR METALL, located in Tallin, Estonia, and sister company RGR AIRON, based in Maardu, Estonia.

EUROMETAL is the European federation for steel distribution, SSC and steel trade providing professional services to 1 600 affiliates and member companies in the European Union.

As a matter of fact, EU steel distribution accounts presently for 77 million tons of steel supplies per year to more than one million steel end users in the EU

Commenting the extension of EUROMETAL membership to the Baltics, EUROMETAL Director General, Georges Kirps, pointed out that steel consumption in the Baltic states is among the fastest growing in the EU. This move enlarges the presence of EUROMETAL to now 23 EU member states.

In the attachment you may find a presentation about the capabilities of RGR Metall and RGR Airon.



Medieval Mirth and Merriment with Metalogic

2015 has been a momentous year for Metalogic which saw the business expand into new global markets, with the team working long hours, across many time zones and in three different continents to fulfill the 11 go lives across 20 sites with over 330  users.

Following a full, interesting and informative final Town Hall meeting of the year, the annual Christmas gathering therefore offered a great opportunity for the whole organisation to indulge in a richly deserved letting down of the hair!

Beauty and the Beast
Beauty and the Beast

As everyone gathered in the Hilton hotel bar it was clear that the medieval themed fancy dress code had been enthusiastically embraced. After a swift pre-drink the assortment of medieval wenches, heads of the Spanish Inquisition (but nobody mentioned them) and other assorted clergy, feudal Knights of the Realm, Court Jesters and a William Wallace – a Stirling (excuse the pun) effort by CEO Leigh Harrison – were herded onto the coach for the short journey to Warwick Castle – Geoff Ellis found his new calling as chief tour guide in charge of the mic and the music.

Braveheart or Braveman?
Braveheart or Braveman?

On arrival at the castle met by the stares of the executioners the team had the opportunity for another quick drop of Dutch courage before embarking on a tour of the Castle Dungeon. The dungeon dates back to 1345 when Warwick was in the grip of a plague epidemic and so it seems that some of the characters from that time had been left behind.  Rooms of torture and torment followed as the now not so merry troupe made their way through the dungeons dark dank passages and hidden rooms of horror.

Our brave and merry band met torturers excited by their instruments of torture, the castle’s lascivious cook who we’d hoped was not preparing the evening’s fayre and then onto the courtroom where some were hauled in front of the Judge accused of insanity and worse, but it was in the dark of the Witches of Warwick room where the ghost of Moll Bloxham roamed which provided the most ‘thrills’ – lots of screaming and squeezing – just as well it was dimly lit?!

Back to the future
Back to the future

After all this excitement the merry troupe made their way to the dining gallery for more drinking, eating and medieval revelry – the pictures speak for themselves – then back on the coach with chief guide Ellis once again taking up the mic or taking the mick? to return to the Hilton where it was back to the future as we joined by now an assortment of company Christmas ‘do’ carousers on the dance floor to strut our stuff once more!


Eurometal news release 17 December 2015

In first 10 months of 2015, deliveries to steel end use segments by European flat steel service centers did increase by +6 % when compared to the same period of 2014. Comparing October 2015 with October 2014, deliveries have been growing by +4 %, year-on-year.

On the other hand deliveries by European multi-product & proximity steel stockholding distribution turned less positive. October 2015 deliveries decreased by -2 % when compared to October 2014.

In the first 10 months of 2015 deliveries by this distribution segment were lower by -2 % than during first 10 months of 2014.

Commenting the diverging business developments in the two main steel distribution segments, EUROMETAL Director General, Georges Kirps, pointed out that value adding flat SSC seem to enhance their market position as channel to supply strip mill products to steel end use sectors, mainly automotive and white goods

Multi-product & proximity distributors are the privileged channel to route long steel products, plates and tubes to end use sectors construction industry, civil engineering, mechanical engineering and yellow goods

In comparison to shipments of US steel distribution, Kirps added, that in 2015 EU steel distribution deliveries developed in a more positive way than those of their US colleagues, who will note a significant decline in 2015.





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