International cooperation in eliminating excess global steel capacity needs to be a top priority of the US
government, Kallanish hears from traditionally pro-trade group the American Institute for International Steel
In response to a call for comments by the United States Trade Representative ahead of a hearing 12 April, AIIS
says overcapacity “… should be raised as an agenda item at the highest international levels, particularly at the
Group of 20 meeting this year in Beijing.”
“Excess steel capacity created and sustained over many years hurts a host of steel-related industries in the
United States,” AIIS says in their comments summary. “Among other things, it limits jobs and hours worked on
our docks, restrains exports, destabilises world markets, and generates mountains of needless, expensive trade
litigation that ultimately resolves very little.”
Concrete and verifiable political commitments to pare down capacity should be sought from US trading partners,
AIIS says, with an eye toward “… new binding disciplines on state-owned enterprises and related trade-distorting
A soft touch may be required to build such a coalition to prevent “… the perfect [… becoming] the enemy of the
“At the same time that we engage in discussions in the OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and
Development) and elsewhere, we should engage in the necessary diplomatic spadework in capitals so that we
can fully engage as many allies as possible in the overall effort to help push this process forward,” the group
Latest export news from AIIS
Falls Church, VA. April 12, 2016. Steel exports totaled 779,010 net tons in February, just 0.4 percent less than the previous month, but 11.3 percent below the level of a…