Fifteen years ago Metalogic developed a stand alone scanning system to handle test certification called Imago X. iMetalScan followed which was integrated into the iMetal ERP system. Now available in version 2.38 is iMetalScan+.
Reasons for its development? Changes in browser and mobile technologies dictated that Metalogic refreshed the supporting technology. Beyond this, our client’s requirements for accepting multiple formats, storing and accessing them in many ways, lead to a complete rewrite of the application.
iMetalScan + is now available as an integrated iMetal module, and also as a stand-alone system that can be used by itself or integrated with other ERP type applications.
It has been built on the success of its predecessor and provides the same easy to use functionality and data structures, as well as the following enhancements:
- Ability to store images as tiff, png, jpg, bmp, pdf or gif
- Ability to link images to IMetal data (e.g. Stock Items, Customers, Suppliers, Sales Items, etc)
- Ability to view Test Certificates, POD, Other scanned documents directly from within iMetal
- Ability to select files from local directories as well as server file systems
- Additional image management options such as annotations.
To ensure smooth and successful migrations, import functionality has been developed alongside the new iMetalScan+, which will allow documents and indexes to be imported from earlier iMetalScan versions or third party scanning solutions.

Existing clients can access the release notes for Version 2.38 with details of the new application and should contact their account manager for details of how to upgrade.
New clients interested in cost effective document management solutions should contact [email protected]
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