As iMetal increases it’s geographical reach with unprecedented growth in the global marketplace this too brings new challenges to our team.
Professional Services Consultant Geoff Kendell has been working in the USA and Canada. Working with a large multi-metals distribution operation Geoff has been looking at business processes and how imetal can assist in streamlining and enhancing their operations, in particular they found the multi length cutting applications, speed in order entry and material optimization a major advantage over other products of a similar nature. The utilization of process planning and scheduling will revolutionize their business in terms of releasing capacity when handling their growing order book

Whilst on his travels Geoff has spent some time in Canada along with Leigh Harrison, MD of JMD working with a multi metals operation who are looking to add shop floor data collection and production planning to their operation which will provide them with the ability to speed up order-to-dispatch time
Steve Adams, Customer Support has been working in the California offices of JMUSA assisting the USA support desk by providing training and support. This facility will be looking to go live from May and will not only be providing support to US based customers but also enabling UK and EU customers who work shift systems to access the support desk on an out-of-normal hours basis in circumstances where they have a shift or 24 hour working capacity.
Using Cloud based technology developed in the UK operation will provide customers a single call point and by sharing the cloud based applications whilst enabling the Jonas Metals Division to have common information across the continents.

Meanwhile Mark Beard, PS consultant is in Serbia reviewing the business processes of a steel stockholder/processor who are looking to implement iMetal – this will be the first time that iMetal will be in operation in Eastern Europe all thanks to the increasing internationalization of iMetal.
Leigh Harrison has been working on the development of new products specifically for the USA market and also on recruiting additional staff resources to work with the growing arm of the Jonas Metals team.
Neass Annual Dinner 2018 Helping To Make Wishes A Reality
Metalogic customers and staff attending the recent NEASS Annual Dinner in Harrogate were delighted to be a part of a fantastic fundraising effort to support two very worthy charities. Winston’s Wish were the…