iMetal’s recent success in the marketplace now confirms Metalogics leading position for the supply of software to the metals processing & distribution centres. This growing success follows the procurement of ten new clients for Metalogic so far this year along with growth in the global market with implementations in North America, Europe and the Far East.
Following this increasing activity it has been recognised that an expansion of service and support was required. To achieve this Metalogic has acquired Compusource MCMS in North America.
MCMS – who will be trading as JMUSA (Jonas Metals USA) will be supporting Metalogic with sales, implementation and support of iMetal in the North American market and the acquisition means that collectively Metalogic & JMUSA will hold a global base of 550 sites with over 6,000 licensed users worldwide.
To support this some structural changes will take place within the company and Leigh Harrison will now head up the newly formed Jonas Metals Division – the new umbrella organisation for the provision of software systems within the metals market.
Leigh Harrison ‘While for the most part it will be business as usual for our clients, we are delighted with this next chapter in the Metalogic story and look forward to working closely with MCMS under Jonas Metals Division to increase iMetal’s reach and further serve metals companies of all sizes, products and processes, in North America and around the globe.”
John Padbury will be moving to General Manager of Metalogic and alongside Brian David who is Vice President of MCMS with both companies working to grow the Jonas Metal Division worldwide.

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Metalogic’s Nigel Johnson and Geoff Kendell attended the annual ASA Matt Le Tissier Golf Day last month and not only had the pleasure of a sporting celebrity, but a mystery…