Not to be put off by the torrential rain, 20 teams were wrapped up and ready as they took to the course at the De Vere Oulton Hall for an entertaining day’s golf with fellow NEASS members. Metalogic entered two teams, hosting Philip Jackson and Paul Stead from Bright Steels, as well as Alastair Macphie from Barclay & Mathieson – both converts to Metalogic’s iMetal product in the last 12 months.

As the event got underway, the sun came out and it wasn’t long before layers were being shed – maybe someone was looking out for us all?
Once the scores had been posted, everyone came together over dinner to compare notes on the course, exchange ideas on the current state of the market and what opportunities might be emerging in the future. Attending these events continues to feed Metalogic with ideas on how iMetal could be moved forward – as many of the best enhancement ideas have come from our customer base

Metalogic have the ASA Sparks Golf Day Boxed Off!
Metalogic were pleased to support the Aluminium Stockholders Association and their chosen charity Sparks earlier this month by entering a team and sponsoring the Matt Le Tissier Celebrity Golf Day. The event,…