In all businesses people make a difference. As a company Metalogic have always believed that and so invested in their people with the latest training, mentoring and offering a work/life balance. With this in mind it was one of the reasons the company moved to a home-working solution supported by cloud technology in 2010.
Since the acquisition of Metalogic by Constellation Software, the investment in people has increased, evident through the training programmes and the opportunity for employees to attend the Jonas Software University (JSU), in Canada. JSU offers highly focussed courses on all aspects of software development and technologies, first class training and personal development. These courses culminate at the end of a challenging week of teamwork resulting in the presentation of a business plan, with the winner having the plan adopted by the group and the team rewarded with a very nice trophy.

Metalogic have realised some significant results in this respect and been fortunate enough to have had a team member invited to JSU every year since joining the group with firstly John Padbury in 2013, Neil Webb 2014, Geoff Ellis in 2015 and Geoff Kendell attending in 2016. Geoff Kendell lead his team to victory in the business game and the plan they came up with is being developed as a real opportunity right now.
Because technology and software in particular is moving so quickly the team assess their skill requirements via a training needs analysis system which coupled with regular appraisal reviews, allows training needs to be identified and delivered. The desire being to ensure that the Metalogic team member who is looking after a customer’s requirements has all the skills needed to deliver a first class experience.

To recognise the personal commitment that the team members put in, the group has the concept of the award of MVP (Most Valued Player). This is a significant accolade and Metalogic staff members have received this award every year since joining the group. Only a selection of around 12 MVP’s are afforded the opportunity to attend the Jonas President Club out of all MVP’s nominated and Metalogic staff have attended each time – Geoff Kendell, Professional Services Consultant was awarded MVP in 2014. Mark Beard, Business Consultant in 2015 and then this has been further enhanced by Mark again achieving Global MVP in 2016 recognised amongst 6,000 employees worldwide.

Mark was rewarded with an invitation to attend the awards ceremony at the Jonas Presidents Club 2016 in Las Vegas last month. This prestigious event allowed Mark and his wife Sarah to meet fellow Jonas employees and nominees and take part in team-building exercises and enjoy the delights of the area. It was only when Mark and his wife were seated at the top table during the awards dinner alongside Barry Symons, CEO of Jonas Software, did Mark realise the significance of his award and the recognition not only from his team but globally within the group.

Commenting on the award Leigh Harrison, MD, Metalogic ‘This reward not only reflects the personal efforts that Mark has put in but the support he has had from his family and the great team behind and around him at Metalogic. The results of this business are totally attributable to the commitment, teamwork, loyalty and effort of all the individuals that means together we achieve more”
It’s fair to say there were a few tears shed at the ceremony, particularly when a short film was shown highlighting Mark’s contribution opening with words of congratulations from the senior management team. Many congratulations to Mark from all his colleagues at Metalogic.

‘This was one of the most amazing things to happen to me in my career and a great honour for myself and Metalogic.’ Mark Beard, Business
And a final recognition from Barry Symons, CEO Jonas Software ‘Unfortunately Mark will not be joining us on our final evening activities as in true MVP fashion Mark is putting work first attend a go-live on the Monday’.

Metalogic have also recently introduced their own team recognition initiative. The Metalogic Friday Big Up ensures that everyone’s hard work and contributions really are valued and make Metalogic the success that it is even if they are not always recognised. Staff vote each week for fellow colleagues who have gone above and beyond to ensure they keep projects moving and customers happy. With a monthly and quarterly reward and the overall most recognised team member being put forward for MVP and a trip to who knows where.
We hope this article helps you understand how hard the folks at Metalogic are working to stay on top of their game and to provide you with an excellent service. We have recently introduced a customer service survey (if you didn’t receive this please contact us here) and this will be followed up by a quality indicator system on all hotline to allow us to target our efforts into the right areas.
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